The Real Estate Professionals

Horseshoe Bay Homes For Sale

The information contained on this website is for consumers' non-commercial use. The data contained on this website may not be reproduced or redistributed. Data is provided as-is and cannot be guaranteed. Although the information has been provided by the owner, it is believed to be reliable and should be independently verified. The listing information of the property can be changed without notice. Any prior sales are subjected to the seller's right not to renew a listing.

This website displays real estate listings from Internet Data Exchange (IDX), an online program run by the San Antonio Board of Realtors. Although this data can be trusted, it is not guaranteed. This data is not reliable and cannot be guaranteed. Nevertheless, the information is still useful for your home search. You can save your favorites and talk to an expert in the area. This website also allows you to see the homes for sale in horseshoe bay and there prices.

The real estate market in Horseshoe Bay, TX currently has 46 homes for sale. The median sale price is $569,779 and total number of homes for purchase is 46. The number and average days on market are 57 days. This is an improvement on the average of 146 days and 78 days per month. To view properties, it is recommended that you hire a professional.

The information on this website comes from the Internet Data Exchange (IDX) program of the Austin Board of Realtors. The data is considered reliable but should not used for commercial purposes. In addition, this information may not reflect all real estate activity in the area. Before making an offer, you should take this into consideration. You should always be aware of the potential downsides of a property. You should compare property prices and ranges before making a decision.

Horseshoe Bay is home to 46 homes with an average selling price of $569.779. The median home value was $349,000.00 lower than last month and the median price was $262,000 more than a year ago. The average days of a property being on the market was 57 days in this month, as opposed to 76 days in a year. Horseshoe Bay's median sale price was $569.779.

The MLS is a central database of real estate information in Austin, TX. It is a valuable resource both for sellers and buyers. Horseshoe Bay, Texas has 46 homes available for sale at an average of $569,779. This means that this market is slightly more expensive than it was last year. The median price in the city is $469,779.

Horseshoe Bay had a median selling price of $569 779. The median listing price for Horseshoe Bay, Texas was $569,779. There were 369,779 fewer homes on the market in January 2022 than the previous month. Average days on the market was 57 days, as compared to 76 days last year and 146 days this January. These statistics are based off county public records.

The median Horseshoe Bay, TX sale price was $569779 in January 2022. The area has 6% fewer homes than it did a year ago. The median price in Horseshoe Bay, TX last month was $369,067. There were three times more homes available for rent in this area than the previous month. In the last month, the average days on market were 57. However, the average time it took to get on market was only 78 days.

Horseshoe Bay, Texas has 46 homes for sale. The average price per listing was $369779 The average days on the market in the town was 57 days, compared with 78 last year. Horseshoe Bay's average days on market increased by 3%, but was down by 8% from the previous months.

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